12 de febrero de 2016

Llegó de nuevo ese día

 Desde darwinday.org, a la que pertenecen ambas imágenes y el texto:

Today is Darwin Day, the birthday of an extraordinary scientist who asked some bold little questions about the origins of life: Why? How?

So much of what we know about our place in the universe rests on Charles Darwin’s questions and his courage in publishing answers. The importance of questioning cannot be understated. In fact, every new league travelled on the moral arc of justice rests on the contributions of questioners equally brave.

On Darwin’s birthday, let us find ourselves inspired to stretch our minds with questions that test our limits.

Let us champion the values of intellectual bravery, perpetual curiosity, and hunger for truth.

Let us honor scientific thinkers like Darwin not just in our laboratories, but in the practice of nurturing compassionate, egalitarian communities that value free inquiry.

Let us work to grow our understanding of the interconnectedness of all life, and expand our empathy and the reach of our compassion.

And, like Darwin himself, let us take daring risks for a freer, fairer, more joyful world.

By: Seráh Blain
In Memory of Harry Lonsdale

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